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Oil Mist Lubrication Systems

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Proven Technology

Oil mist lubrication systems are a proven technology developed in Europe for industrial use in the 1930s and first used in refineries by Chevron and Exxon in the late 1960s. Systems can be incorporated into new projects or retrofitted into existing facilities. Applications include pump, electric motors, gear boxes and in some cased turbines and pillow block bearings. Worldwide there are over 4,200 large scale systems (console type with < 35 pumps) and countless smaller systems. Nearly 50% of refineries in India are currently using oil mist lubrication systems.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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Blazeflow Oil Purification Systems, Closed Circuit Tv Camera Systems, Filtering Units For Oil Industries, Heating Units For Oil Industries, Oil Heating Pumping And Filtering Units, Oil Mist Lubrication Systems, Pumping Units For Oil Industries, Solar Pv Modules